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6 May 2010

DORS/CLUC 2010, Zagreb, Croatia

by Željko Filipin

Yesterday I was at DORS/CLUC 2010, "the biggest and oldest Croatian conference on Linux and open systems".

I took a few photos, as usual:

For a long, long time I wanted to record 5-10 minute podcasts with speakers and visitors of a conference, and this time I did it! I have recorded 9 podcasts. The first is already published, I plan to publish one podcast a day, until all of them are published. The podcasts are published at Vidi Podkast, but you can listen to them here too. I will update the list as I publish the podcasts.

Feel free to publish the podcasts at your site, they are licensed under a Creative Commons license. I would prefer if you linked to my mp3 files and use the full URL, so I could track the number of downloads (that would save you some bandwidth too), but do what you think is the best.

Vidi Podkast #5: Florian Schießl on LiMux.

Vidi Podkast #6: Andrew Aksyonoff and on Sphinx.

Vidi Podkast #7: Harald Welte on and GSM security.

Podcasts in Croatian:

Vidi Podkast #8: Nikola Kapraljević o DORS/CLUC 2010

Vidi Podkast #9: Valent Turković o OpenStreetMap.

Vidi Podkast #10: Albert Novak o PulaFreeAir.

Vidi Podkast #11
: Tonimir Kišasondi o sigurnim komunikacijama i tokenima.

Vidi Podkast #12: Vlatko Košturjak o DORS/CLUC 2010.

Vidi Podkast #13: Ivan Voras o NOSQL.

tags: event - facebook - photo