Testival Meetup #71, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #70, Zagreb, Croatia
Sprinthackular 2025
BBST Open Course Materials
MediaWiki Platform and Developers Experience Offsite 2024, Barcelona, Spain
Generate an image using ChatGPT
Testival Meetup #69, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #68, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #67, Zagreb, Croatia
Refactoring WebdriverIO Tests From Sync to Async Mode
The Time-Block Planner by Cal Newport
Podcasts in 2024
Getting Things Done by David Allen
CITCON 2024, Zagreb, Croatia
Wikimedia Hackathon 2024, Tallinn, Estonia
System Collapse by Martha Wells
Slow Productivity by Cal Newport
Communication Overload
Developer Experience Offsite 2023, San Francisco, California, USA
Black Box Testing by Boris Beizer
CITCON 2023, Berlin, Germany
macOS Lockdown Mode
10 Years of Wikimedia Foundation
Career Development
Wikimedia Hackathon 2023, Athens, Greece
The Web App Testing Guidebook by Kevin Lamping
Testival Meetup #66, Zagreb, Croatia
One Year of Pairing
Setting up a new Ubuntu machine
An Introduction to General Systems Thinking by Gerald M. Weinberg
Two Years of Blog Post Writing Club
Testival 2022, Osijek, Croatia
Testing Computer Software by Cem Kaner, Jack Falk and Hung Q. Nguyen
Setting up a new macOS machine
Exploratory Software Testing by James A. Whittaker
Inspiration Week 2022
Testival Meetup #64, Zagreb, Croatia
Chess Basics
Explore It by Elisabeth Hendrickson
Outreachy, December 2021-March 2022
Lessons Learned in Software Testing by Cem Kaner, James Bach and Bret Pettichord (2022)
Stepping down as Testival Organizer
Perfect Software by Gerald M. Weinberg (2021)
Lessons from 16 Years of Working Remotely
Schools of Software Testing
Blog Post Writing Club
macOS vs Ubuntu Linux Part 2
Google Summer of Code 2021
Learning Chess in 2021
Page object pattern
macOS vs Ubuntu Linux
Dual Boot macOS and Ubuntu Linux
ZAGREB21 2021, Zagreb, Croatia
Debug WebdriverIO Tests: logLevel
Outreachy, December 2020-March 2021
Testival Meetup #62
2020 in Books
Pragmatic Programmer by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas
Deep Work: Disable All Notifications
Testival Meetup #61
Deep Work at Lunch and learn
Deep Work by Cal Newport
Sharko and Bernie
Frankie and Johnny
Books That Have Changed My Life
Testival Meetup #60
Hrvatska trči 2021, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #59
The Passionate Programmer by Chad Fowler
Outreachy, September-November 2020
Engineering Productivity Virtual Offsite October 2020
Visual Studio Code + Neovim
Google Summer of Code, June-August 2020
UNICEF Mliječna staza 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
Hrvatska trči 2020, Croatia
ZAGREB21 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
Mary's Meals half marathon 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
Google Summer of Code, February-May 2020
Engineering Productivity Virtual Offsite May 2020
Embed Facebook Album in 2020
Filipin, obrt za računalne djelatnosti, closed
Half marathon March 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #58, Zagreb, Croatia
QTE office hours
San Francisco 2020, California, USA
Testival Meetup #56, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb Tech Sauna, Zagreb, Croatia
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Testival Meetup #54, Zagreb, Croatia
28th Zagreb marathon, Zagreb, Croatia
WebCamp Zagreb 2019, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #53, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #50, Zagreb, Croatia
Wikimedia Hackathon 2019, Prague, Czechia
Testival Meetup #49, Zagreb, Croatia
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2019
Testival Meetup #47, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #46, Zagreb, Croatia
How I Learned Test Automation in Ruby
Testival Meetup #45, Zagreb, Croatia
San Francisco 2019, California, USA
Testival Meetup #44, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #42, Zagreb, Croatia
Long Beach, California, USA
Incident Documentation - An Unexpected Journey
Testival Meetup #41, Zagreb, Croatia
Practical Vim by Drew Neil
WebCamp Zagreb 2018, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival 2018, Vukovar, Croatia
Embed Facebook Album in 2018
Wikimedia Hackathon 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Testival Meetup #39, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #38, Zagreb, Croatia
How I Learned JavaScript
CITCON 2018, Vienna, Austria
Testival Meetup #36, Zagreb, Croatia
California 2018, USA
Testival Meetup #35, Zagreb, Croatia
FOSDEM 2018, Brussels, Belgium
Testival Meetup #34, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #33, Zagreb, Croatia
Coderetreat, Vienna, Austria
Testival Meetup #32, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #1, Osijek, Croatia
Understanding the Four Rules of Simple Design by Corey Haines
WebCamp Zagreb 2017, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival Meetup #31, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival 2017, Zadar, Croatia
Testival Meetup #29, Zagreb, Croatia
Wikimedia Hackathon 2017, Vienna, Austria
Infinum JS Talks #8, Zagreb, Croatia
WebCamp 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Testival Meetup #28, Zagreb, Croatia
JavaScript Zagreb Meetup #33, Zagreb, Croatia
Selenium bindings in Scratch, visual programming language for kids
Testival Meetup #27, Zagreb, Croatia
Make a Game in 5 Minutes with Scratch
Selenium + JavaScript = 😕🤔😳
You Don't Know JS: Up & Going by Kyle Simpson
JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford
Testival Meetup #26, Zagreb, Croatia
Washington, D.C., USA
Don't Go to Conferences
Testival 2016, Rijeka, Croatia
Wikimania 2016, Esino Lario, Italy
Playing Set game with JavaScript and Selenium
Software Testing Club #25, Zagreb, Croatia
NodeSchool International Day 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
OWASP meetup, Zagreb, Croatia
DORS/CLUC 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
CITCON 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Software Testing Club #24, Zagreb, Croatia
WebCamp Ljubljana 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Test Automation Bazaar 2016, Austin, Texas, USA
Wikimedia Developer Summit 2016, San Francisco, California, USA
JavaScript + Selenium
Zagreb Software Testing Club #23, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby Burgers, Zagreb, Croatia
Global Day of Coderetreat 2015, Zagreb, Croatia
EuRuKo 2015, Salzburg, Austria
Zagreb Software Testing Club #22, Zagreb, Croatia
WebCamp Zagreb 2015, Zagreb, Croatia
Testival 2015, Split, Croatia
Wikimania 2015, Mexico City, Mexico
CzechTest 2015, Prague, Czechia
How software that runs Wikipedia is tested
Wikimedia Hackathon 2015, Lyon, France
ROSSConf 2015, Vienna, Austria
Terminal Zagreb #5, Zagreb, Croatia
WebCamp Ljubljana 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zagreb Software Testing Club #19, Zagreb, Croatia
FOSDEM 2015, Brussels, Belgium
MediaWiki Developer Summit 2015, San Francisco, California, USA
Test Automation Bazaar 2015, Austin, Texas, USA
Zagreb Software Testing Club #18, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby Zagreb December 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb Software Testing Club #17, Zagreb, Croatia
Terminal Zagreb Meetup #2, Zagreb, Croatia
Securing Internet of Things - Varovanje interneta stvari, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Coderetreat Zagreb Report, Zagreb, Croatia
Coderetreat Zagreb Reminder, Zagreb, Croatia
Git Internals by Scott Chacon
Coderetreat Zagreb 2014 Announcement, Zagreb, Croatia
WebCamp Zagreb 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby::ZG::Meetup.fifth, Zagreb, Croatia
Terminal Zagreb Meetup #1, Zagreb, Croatia
CITCON 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb Software Testing Club #16, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb Software Testing Club #15, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby Zagreb #2, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby Zagreb #1, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb Software Testing Club #14, Zagreb, Croatia
Pride and Paradev by Alister Scott
SQA Days, Lviv, Ukraine
WebCamp Zagreb 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
Outreach Program for Women
CITCON 2013, Turin, Italy
BalCCon 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia
eurucamp 2013, Berlin, Germany
Browser Automation Workshop
viaqa 2013, Osijek, Croatia
Selenium Conference 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Browser Automation Workshops
Wikimedia Hackathon 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands
How MediaWiki, software that runs Wikipedia, is tested
DORS/CLUC 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
One Does Not Simply Set Profile for Remote Chrome
San Francisco, California, USA
Zagreb Software Testing Club #10, Zagreb, Croatia
JS Zgb drinkup #2 + Ruby on Beers, Zagreb, Croatia
Chrome Profiles
FOSDEM 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Zagreb Software Testing Club #8 and #9, Zagreb, Croatia
Zero Day and Trojan Horse by Mark Russinovich
Check if "Please enter an email address" message appears
Increase the Backlog!
Funny Selenium iOS driver bug
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Zagreb Software Testing Club #7, Zagreb, Croatia
WebCamp Zagreb 2012, Zagreb, Croatia
How to Test with Internet Explorer on a Mac
Utrecht and Amsterdam, Netherlands
Homebrewer's Guide to Watir 0.8.0
Software Testing Podcasts
CITCON 2012, Budapest, Hungary
Wikimedia Foundation
Zagreb Software Testing Club #6, Zagreb, Croatia
Catch JavaScript Errors on the Page with Watir or Selenium
viaqa 2012, Varaždin, Croatia
viaqa 2011 Report, Zagreb, Croatia
Automating Google Soccer
Automating Google Slalom Canoe
Automating Google Hurdles
Automating Google Basketball
Cucumber & Cheese by Jeff Morgan
Automating The Set Game
Zagreb Software Testing Club #5, Zagreb, Croatia
Test Automation Bazaar 2012, Austin, Texas, USA
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Code at Six #2, Zagreb, Croatia
Web::Strategija 14, Zagreb, Croatia
Dragon Chicken says: "Once upon a time a knight that knew only record-playback came to fight me. It was a lot of fun."
Test automation at HomeSwap.com
Lessons Learned in Software Testing by Cem Kaner, James Bach and Bret Pettichord (2012)
Filipin, obrt za računalne djelatnosti, started
page-object API should be more similar to watir API
watir-webdriver tests at TestingBot
watir-webdriver Tests Are Pretty Slow at Sauce Labs OnDemand
watir-webdriver and Sauce Labs OnDemand
viaqa 2012 Teaser Podcast, Varaždin, Croatia
Zagreb Software Testing Club #4, Zagreb, Croatia
Perfect Software by Gerald M. Weinberg (2012)
Zagreb Software Testing Club #2, Zagreb, Croatia
Agile Testing by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory
The Best Thank You Note from a Reader of My Watir Book
Zagreb Software Testing Club #1, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby at Six #2, Zagreb, Croatia
Jenkins The Definitive Guide by John Ferguson Smart
Jenkins, Windows and Git
Watir Code Analysis
About Watir – An Introduction
Watir Book 0.7.1, free and paid versions
Watir Book 0.7, free version
Watir Book
viaqa 2011, Zagreb, Croatia
Selenium Conference 2011 and Watir Day, San Francisco, California, USA
Watir 2.0
Ruby at Six #1, Zagreb, Croatia
DORS/CLUC 2011, Zagreb, Croatia
Software craftsmanship by Pete McBreen
Postfix Logs: Bash
What Gems Are Using Watir?
Watir site at stackexchange.com
Watir ad at stackoverflow.com
viaqa 2010, Osijek, Croatia
CASE 22, Zagreb, Croatia
Two Years of Watir Podcast
Play Google Pacman with Watir
DORS/CLUC 2010, Zagreb, Croatia
Vidi Podkast
Web::Strategija 7, Zagreb, Croatia
IT Showoff, Zagreb, Croatia
Testing Podcast
Alan Baird and Jari Bakken on watir-webdriver
Watir on WebDriver
Webalizer on Mac OS X
Ruby Mail and benchmark.rb on CRuby, JRuby, IronRuby and RubyInstaller
Create a Podcast Site
Ruby Mail on CRuby, JRuby and IronRuby
Watir Support Sheriffs
Mapping Party, Zagreb, Croatia
TweetupZG, Zagreb, Croatia
How to Find, Listen, Record, Edit and Publish a Podcast
Test Like You Do Not Need the Money
DORS/CLUC 2009, Zagreb, Croatia
Git and Github on Mac
Recording a Podcast with Skype on Mac Using Only Free Software
Web::INDUSTRIJA 2009, Zagreb, Croatia
Spletne Urice #106, Ljubljana, Slovenia
BarCamp Zagreb 2009, Zagreb, Croatia
AWTA 2009, Austin, Texas, USA
Ruby on Beers #5, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby on Beers #4, Zagreb, Croatia
Get rid Of "Press a key..." While Using Log Parser
Log Parser and Batch Files
Watir Contributors
Ruby on Beers #2, Zagreb, Croatia
The Way I Like My Windows
Getting Things Done by David Allen
Webscale Computing, Zagreb, Croatia
Ruby on Beers #1, Zagreb, Croatia
Who are you?
Arachno Ruby IDE Is Not Dead
Would My Watir Tests Run With Firewatir?
Watir and Pop Ups
I’m Gonna Be a Rapid Tester Someday
Taskbar Shuffle
Smoke on the Watir
What I Listen To
TMail 1.1.0 Gem Released
Everyday Scripting with Ruby Arrived
warning: toplevel constant File referenced by IO::File
Watir 1.5.3 Released
How Do I Get REXML Version Number?
Internet Explorer Puts map Tag inside head Tag
Watir Tutorial
Troubleshooting SMTP Issues with Telnet
Updated Main Watir Wiki Page
Watir Search
Watir Google Custom Search Engine
Pop Ups and Watir
Guidelines for Posting to Watir General Google Group
Search Companion: The Indexing Service query cannot be completed successfully because the volumes you have specified are not indexed.
Mind Reading Does Not Work
Network Connections Pop Up
How to Scroll Internet Explorer with Watir
NoMethodError: undefined method `copy' for File:Class
VMware Server 1.0.3 and Shared Folders
Watir 1.5.2 released
Internet Information Services Installation Nightmare (Resolved)
How to Get Text from Status Bar
Extend Watir
Find Element by XPath
How Testers Look Like?
Watir Has A New Method: after?
New Watir User Guide (Beta)
XPath String Functions
Updating Watir User Guide (2)
How Much Time Do You Spend Learning?
Updating Watir User Guide
How much space does Windows CD take
Everyday Scripting with Ruby by Brian Marick
ASP.NET - Install Everything You Need
Convert an Integer from Base 10 to Base 16
Everyday Scripting with Ruby
Another Internet Explorer 7 Bug
I Should Gamble Today
First Steps in ASP.NET
Repeat Feature of Microsoft Excel
Capitalization of Titles
Go To Page Feature in Microsoft Word
I Do Not Want All My Internet Traffic to Go Over VPN
Two Years with Ruby and Watir
Enter Non-English Character in Text Field
Google for "Blog on Software Testing"
Internet Explorer 7 Bug
Akismet Bug
Ruby Hashes (2)
Ruby Hashes
Testing E-mail: The Code
Watir: Select Element Using Multiple Attributes
Watir: Select Element Using HTML
Testing E-mail: Lessons Learned
Watir: Select Element Using Custom Attribute
Podcasts I Listen To: Iteration Three
Testing E-mail: Tools
Testing E-mail: Introduction
Testing E-mail: Install SMTP Server
Change wmv Extension to wma Update
Change wmv Extension to wma
Mailing Lists That I Read Reloaded
Roll your own Watir
Podcasts I Listen To Reloaded
Mailing Lists That I Read
Podcasts I Listen To
Are You Really a Software Tester? by David Whalen
Data Generator
Connect Gmail and Google Calendar
Faster FileField#set
Brian Marick's Scripting for Testers Renamed
Strange Advertisement
Add Dot to the Beginning of the Most Used Labels
My Favourite Windows Media Player Bugs
Treat Users With Respect
TortoiseSVN 1.4.1 Crashes
Tests and How-To Documents
There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do.
Google Reader (2)
Arachno Ruby 0.7.6 for Windows Is Available
Test If Application Sends Correct E-mails
Software Is Like a Sausage
Bug That Has Lived Two Years and a Day
Bug Bash
Google Reader
Love To Listen To Music While Testing?
Ruby, Watir and Internet Explorer on Linux
Google Toolbar for Firefox
Don’t Use Bug Counts to Measure Testers
Bug Severity Scale
Tips on Writing a Good TestCase
The Basics of Bug Tracking and Top Ten Tips for Bug Tracking
Ruby In Steel IDE
Waterfall 2006
Ruby Variables and Objects
How to Organize Watir Files
FireWatir (WATiR on Firefox) Alpha v1.0 Works!
UTF-8 and Ruby
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Ruby (Deep) Copy Object
Watir, Ruby, Objects and Variables
Programer ili tester?
Testiram, dakle postojim
Definicije greške
Kako je nastao izraz "bug" za grešku u programu?
Knjige koje preporučam
Knjige koje čitam
Đžogljavkovi vicovi (10): novogodišnja binarna šala
isprobaj ruby! (u svom pregledniku) (2)
The New Methodology
Instaliraj Ruby on Rails na računalu koje nema pristup Internetu
Đžogljavkovi vicovi (8): Java i C++
isprobaj ruby! (u svom pregledniku)
Detektivska priča
Nadomak objektno orijentiranom raju
The Top Ten Design Mistakes
Korak bliže objektno orijentiranom raju
Kako znaš da si napisao dosta Ruby koda za danas?
Đžogljavkovi vicovi (1)
Nova Watir lista
Watir i Internet Exporer
Našao sam grešku! Što sad?
Testiranje. Kako početi?
Najzabavnija greška na koju sam ikad naletio
Kako postati iskušivač (engl. tester)?
Ja ne radim ništa. Samo testiram.