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5 May 2018

CITCON 2018, Vienna, Austria

by Željko Filipin

Last month I was at CITCON (Continuous Integration and Testing Conference) conference, for the fifth time. This time it was in Vienna, Austria. CITCON is one of my favorite conferences and Vienna is one of my favorite cities to visit. I always struggle with taking notes during events, but this time I have some notes. I will do my best to write a post from them. 📝

The session day started with remote work session. I work from home for more than a decade, so I like to learn new things and share my experience.

The second session was on teal organizations (teal is a blue-green color). I have stumbled upon this session, none of the other sessions captured my attention. I did not know about the color or that type of organization. Very interesting discussion. Eight Behaviors for Smarter Teams was recommended reading. One quote I captured was: “Feeling wrong feels like feeling right.”

During lunch I went downtown and bought an ukulele. 🎸

After that I went to Frustrated? A gentle, loving punch in the face session. That’s always an interesting experience. I have been to that session in 2016 too.

For penultimate session I have picked nonviolent communication. Once more, I knew nothing about the topic before the session.

The last session was on career development. I have proposed the session since I am very interested in it. I have many notes on the topic and I hope I will have the time in the next few days or weeks to write about it.

During closing session everybody shared an aha moment and I have realized that this time I went to exclusively non-technical sessions. It was not on purpose.

I got several LinkedIn requests during the conference. That was a surprise. I had business cards, but people preferred to connect on LinkedIn.

tags: citcon - event - facebook - photo - testing - speaker