What Gems Are Using Watir?
by Željko Filipin
I was listening to Ruby5 - Episode #125 this morning and they have mentioned gem-dependent gem. I thought it would be nice to find out which gems are using Watir.
Installation is simple:
gem install gem-dependent
I had to install parallel gem too.
gem install parallel
It took a few minutes to run and I got a few error messages, but I also got the results back for all Watir-related gems that I am aware of.
gem dependent watir --source http://rubygems.org
Downloading specs for 17589 gems
Empact-rpx_now > 0.0.0
watirloo >= 1.6.2
watirsplash = 1.6.6
wsl >= 1.6.2
gem dependent firewatir --source http://rubygems.org
brute-fuzzy >= 1.6.5
soda = 1.6.7
watir = 1.6.7
watircuke >= 1.6.5
gem dependent commonwatir --source http://rubygems.org
firewatir = 1.6.7
mk_firewatir = 1.6.5
rwebunit >= 1.6.2
ryba >= 1.6.5
watir = 1.6.7
watircuke >= 1.6.5
gem dependent safariwatir --source http://rubygems.org
auto_excerpt >= 0.3.7
watircuke >= 0.3.7
gem dependent watir-webdriver --source http://rubygems.org
watir-proxy >= 0
gem dependent celerity --source http://rubygems.org
buzzville >= 0
capybara >= 0.7.9
cuke4duke >= 0.8.2 (development)
nekohtml >= 0