Selenium + JavaScript = 😕🤔😳
by Željko Filipin
I gave a talk based on this post at Testival Meetup #27, JavaScript Zagreb Meetup #33 and Infinum JS Talks #8. It’s about Selenium packages 📦 in JavaScript.
As with all things JavaScript, there are plenty of choices. After some research, I have picked three packages:
- WebDriverJs, the official Selenium bindings, also called selenium-webdriver,
- WebdriverIO (named WebdriverJS until 2014),
- Nightwatch.js.
My initial research ended quickly for WebdriverIO and Nightwatch.js because they had Java ☕️ dependency. Some time later, after both the tools (and their documentation) and my understanding of the JavaScript ecosystem improved, I have figured out that they can be used without Java. 😓
According to JSDOW (The JavaScript download index), WebDriverJs is far ahead in the number of downloads, but WebdriverIO is growing faster, if I have read the charts correctly.
What is needed for a test automation project that will not fail?
Browser | Chrome, Firefox |
Browser driver | ChromeDriver, geckodriver |
Language | JavaScript/Node.js |
Selenium bindings | WebDriverJs, WebdriverIO, Nightwatch.js |
Nicer API on top of Selenium (optional) | WebdriverIO, Nightwatch.js |
Assertion library | Assert (ships with Node.js) |
Testing framework | Mocha |
Page object pattern implementation (optional) | WebdriverIO, Nightwatch.js |
Configuration | Node-config, WebdriverIO, Nightwatch.js |
Simple code examples
The initial investigation of the tools consisted of a simple example:
- open a browser
- go to a page
- check that a link is present
- close the browser
The code is hosted at mediawiki-selenium-nodejs repository.
Browser | Chrome |
Browser driver | ChromeDriver |
Language | JavaScript/Node.js |
Selenium bindings | WebDriverJs |
Nicer API on top of Selenium | N/A |
Assertion library | Assert |
Testing framework | Mocha |
Page object pattern implementation | N/A |
Configuration | N/A |
const assert = require( 'assert' ),
{ Builder, By } = require( 'selenium-webdriver' ),
test = require( 'selenium-webdriver/testing' );
test.describe( 'Main page', function () {
let driver;
test.beforeEach( function () {
driver = new Builder()
.forBrowser( 'chrome' )
} );
test.afterEach( function () {
} ); 'should have "Log in" link', function () {
driver.get( '' );
driver.findElement( By.linkText( 'Log in' ) ).isDisplayed().then( function ( displayed ) {
assert( displayed );
} );
} );
} );
Browser | Chrome |
Browser driver | ChromeDriver |
Language | JavaScript/Node.js |
Selenium bindings | WebdriverIO |
Nicer API on top of Selenium | WebdriverIO |
Assertion library | Assert |
Testing framework | Mocha |
Page object pattern implementation | N/A |
Configuration | N/A |
const assert = require( 'assert' );
describe( 'Main page', function () {
it( 'should have "Log in" link', function () {
browser.url( '/Main_Page' );
assert( browser.isVisible( 'li#pt-login a' ) );
} );
} );
Browser | Chrome |
Browser driver | ChromeDriver |
Language | JavaScript/Node.js |
Selenium bindings | Nightwatch.js |
Nicer API on top of Selenium | Nightwatch.js |
Assertion library | Nightwatch.js |
Testing framework | Nightwatch.js |
Page object pattern implementation | N/A |
Configuration | N/A |
module.exports = {
'Main page': function ( client ) {
.url( '' )
.assert.elementPresent( 'li#pt-login a' )
Realistic code examples
After the initial investigation with a simple test, all three tools looked fine to me. So far, I liked WebdriverIO API. WebDriverJs was a bit verbose for my taste. Nightwatch.js API looked strange to me.
The second round included a more realistic set of tests.
- wiki page
- create
- edit
- check history
- user
- create
- log in
- change preferences
The entire code is available in the GitHub repositories. I don’t want this blog post to be too long, so I will include only the code for creating a wiki page.
The code is at mediawiki-webdriverjs repository.
Browser | Chrome |
Browser driver | ChromeDriver |
Language | JavaScript/Node.js |
Selenium bindings | WebDriverJs |
Nicer API on top of Selenium | N/A |
Assertion library | Assert |
Testing framework | Mocha |
Page object pattern implementation | N/A |
Configuration | Node-config |
module.exports = {
baseUrl: '',
browser: 'chrome',
logPath: '.',
mochaTestOptions: {
reporter: 'spec',
slow: 10000,
timeout: 20000 },
password: 'vagrant',
username: 'Admin'
var config = require( 'config' ),
webdriver = require( 'selenium-webdriver' );
function browser() {
return new webdriver.Builder()
.forBrowser( config.get( 'browser' ) )
function screenshot( driver, state, title ) {
if ( state === 'failed' ) {
driver.takeScreenshot().then( ( image ) => {
let fileName = config.get( 'logPath' ) + title + '.png';
require( 'fs' ).writeFile( fileName, image, 'base64', ( err ) => {
if ( err ) { throw err; }
} );
} );
module.exports = { browser, screenshot };
var assert = require( 'assert' ),
config = require( 'config' ),
baseUrl = config.get( 'baseUrl' ),
webdriver = require( 'selenium-webdriver' ),
By = webdriver.By,
test = require( 'selenium-webdriver/testing' );
test.describe( 'Page', function () {
let content,
helper = require( './helper' ),
test.beforeEach( function () {
content = Math.random().toString();
driver = helper.browser();
name = Math.random().toString();
} );
test.afterEach( function () {
helper.screenshot( driver, this.currentTest.state, this.currentTest.fullTitle() );
} ); 'should be creatable', function () {
// create
driver.get( baseUrl + name + '&action=edit' );
driver.findElement( By.css( '#wpTextbox1' ) ).sendKeys( content );
driver.findElement( By.css( '#wpSave' ) ).click();
// check name
driver.findElement( By.css( '#firstHeading' ) ).getText().then( function ( text ) {
assert.equal( text, name );
} );
// check content
driver.findElement( By.css( '#mw-content-text' ) ).getText().then( function ( text ) {
assert.equal( text, content );
} );
} );
} );
The code is at mediawiki-webdriverio repository.
Browser | Chrome |
Browser driver | ChromeDriver |
Language | JavaScript/Node.js |
Selenium bindings | WebdriverIO |
Nicer API on top of Selenium | WebdriverIO |
Assertion library | Assert |
Testing framework | Mocha |
Page object pattern implementation | WebdriverIO |
Configuration | WebdriverIO |
exports.config = {
specs: [
capabilities: [ {
browserName: 'chrome',
} ],
framework: 'mocha',
reporters: [ 'spec' ],
const assert = require( 'assert' ),
EditPage = require( '../pageobjects/' );
describe( 'Page', function () {
var content,
beforeEach( function () {
content = Math.random().toString();
name = Math.random().toString();
} );
it( 'should be creatable', function () {
// create
EditPage.edit( name, content );
// check
assert.equal( EditPage.heading.getText(), name );
assert.equal( EditPage.displayedContent.getText(), content );
} );
} );
class Page {
constructor() {
this.title = 'My Page';
open( path ) {
browser.url( '/index.php?title=' + path );
module.exports = Page;
'use strict';
const Page = require( './page' );
class EditPage extends Page {
get content() { return browser.element( '#wpTextbox1' ); }
get displayedContent() { return browser.element( '#mw-content-text' ); }
get heading() { return browser.element( '#firstHeading' ); }
get save() { return browser.element( '#wpSave' ); }
open( name ) { name + '&action=edit' );
edit( name, content ) { name );
this.content.setValue( content );;
module.exports = new EditPage();
I have spent some time with both WebDriverJs and WebdriverIO. I have liked WebDriverJs for it’s simplicity. I have liked WebdriverIO for it’s API and features. I have decided that spending time on investigating Nightwatch.js would not be a good investment.
tags: code - event - featured - javascript - organizer - selenium - testing - speaker - testival