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23 November 2013

Pride and Paradev by Alister Scott

by Željko Filipin

Pride and Paradev Pride and Paradev

I have bought Pride and Paradev book by Alister Scott as soon as it was available, but it has been waiting on my reading list for months. A few weeks ago I have finally found some time to read the book. I was reading the articles on Alister's blog as he was writing the book so I was mostly familiar with the content.

Book subtitle is a collection of agile software testing contradictions, and that describes the book way better than I could. I really like the format. Every topic is covered from two opposing views: why you should do something and why you should not do it. For example, should testers fix the bugs they find, is software testing a good career choice, is it beneficial to attend software testing conferences.... Controversial topic of software testing certifications is surprisingly covered with a short article.

If you did not already read the book, you should. I hope to see more books of the same format. Alister promised to donate 10% of the book proceedings to homeless, but then changed his mind and donated all the money to Wikimedia Foundation (my employer). All I can say is thanks for the donation! :)

tags: book