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30 January 2006

Programer ili tester?

by Željko Filipin

Adam Ulrich piše o tome što rade programeri, a što testeri u Microsoftu, te kako znati jesi li materijal za programera ili testera. Prenosim samo dio:

You are better suited to be an SDE if

- you like to get really deep in one technology space for long stretches
- you don’t stop until you write the perfect algorithm, or the most elegant code

You are better suited to be an SDET if

- You like system integration type work:
--you take the technology that this team did, make use of it and tie it to this other piece of technology, etc.

- You may have been a TA and graded other peoples code, or were the guy in group projects who enjoyed and was good at poking holes in other peoples designs

- You have strong big picture thinking, and are focusing your energy on solving the whole problem.
--You find yourself coming up with “good enough” solutions to problems. Your solutions may or may not be elegant or perfect, but you are happy with it and you’ve moved on to the next part of the problem.

Kako saznati što sve te čudne skraćenice u tekstu znače (SDE, SDET, PM, OM...)? Upiši u Google: SDE

SDE - Software Design Engineer - programer
SDET- Software Design Engineer in Test - tester

tags: hrvatski