Željko Filipin's blog.
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19 March 2008

Who are you?

by Željko Filipin

You know all about me. I would like to know just a bit about you. The only tool I have is statistics. But, we all know that there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

FeedBurner says I have 22 subscribers (on average). Slowly growing.


Google Analytics says that traffic is also slowly growing (Oct 1, 2006 - Mar 19, 2008).


65% of traffic comes from search engines. You are probably from US, Croatia, India, or UK. Top 5 content is front page, Watir category, Ruby: (Deep) Copy Object post (a surprise for me), e-mail category and about me page.

What does it all mean? More people have read this shirt than my blog.

If it is not too much of me to ask, would you leave a comment with your name and link to your site, if you have one, please?

tags: TODO