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14 January 2015

Zagreb Software Testing Club #18, Zagreb, Croatia

by Željko Filipin


Zagreb software testing club meets again. Stronger than ever.


At our usual venue, Multimedijalni institut (net.kulturni klub MaMa), we had another meetup.

This time we have decided to slightly change the format of the meetup. We have started with the usual introductions, but one additional thing that everybody said after a few words about themselves was one (or more) topics that they would like to talk about at the meetup. The topic was then written to a piece of paper. After the introductions we had a small break during which we have voted on the topics that were interesting to us. Sounds familiar? Yes, pretty much the usual CITCON format.

The proposed topics were, in no particular order (format is topic, initials of the person, number of votes):

Since the introductions and the voting took about half of the meetup, we only had the time for one regular talk and one lightning talk. It was annonuced that Irja Strauss will be talking about impact mapping, and the topic got the most votes, so we have started with it (slides coming soon). After the talk and the discussion there was time just for one lightning talk. We have decided that I should give talk about solving the Rubiks cube in 5 minutes. I can solve the cube in 2-3 minutes, but with the slides and the explanations it took me 5-6 minutes (blog post coming soon).

This time, our library was small, I only brought one book, since all other software related books I own are already at somebody else. I would encourage everbody to bring books on software development that are gatering dust at their shelves, and lend them to somebody. Remember, information wants to be free.

As usual, we have continued the conversations over some drinks and food at the nearby pub.

Lessons learned


tags: event - facebook - organizer - photo - testing - testival - speaker